Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today I woke up a bit late, like always and finally got myself to work. I was a little worried since I was overloaded with deadlines from both work and school assignments. Thankfully, we have wikipedia. awesome. I was able to do most of my research for my assignments within my one hour lunch break. Anyways the day went pretty smooth at work. My brain ran into a couple of new ideas that I have jotted down into my famous little notebook. After school around 6p,  I really felt excited about finally getting home and getting back to what i love to do. learning. I have this weird habit of making sure  I learn something new each day. I bring it my own attention as I fall asleep each night. Well anyways, as got to my house I got a call from my dear friend (Abel Alvarado) He spoke to me about a new project he is working on. Its a short called "a thrill for a hunt". EXCITING!! This short will be shot within the next two or three weeks in Laredo, TX. I will be helping out Abel with camera work and maybe some lighting. Hopefully all goes well. Well I finally got myself off the phone and decided to drive to Abel's workplace and pick up a copy of the script. By this time the daylight was almost completely gone. So I decided to call it a day and just focus on the script. The script is great!! It should be fun to shoot. We are looking for a couple of assistants that are willing to help out for one complete weekend (without pay ofcourse). For anybody that is interested in moving making or just wants to be part of cool project, this is the perfect opportunity. I will make sure you learn as much possible. If interested please email me or comment on this blog. By the way, I did learn something new today.::COGNITIVE DISSONANCE+ Its a communication phenomena. look it up on youtube.

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